for Members
We encourage members to participate in our website. You may add stories, write up events, update the calendar, publish pictures and maintain your own "members pages".
Your editing is risk-free because Google Sites retains a history of revisions. We can always revert an undesired change.
Anyone in the world can read our pages. But to edit this website you will need:
A google account. The account can be any gmail address or any Google Apps login.
Send your request for club member access to
Subscribe to Changes
Do you want to be notified when the Home page is updated? Would you like to be told when anything changes on the website? You can subscribe to updates and then receive an automatic email whenever something is edited.
Scroll to the bottom of any page, and click "Recent Site Activity", and then click "Subscribe to site changes".
This feature requires logging in and hence is just available to members.
To Edit Navigation Bar
The navigation bar is manually maintained. This allows us to control the order of its pages. If you add a new page then you must notify the webmaster so he can add it to the navigation bar.
Only the webmaster or administrator can update navigation. He will use these steps:
Click "Edit sidebar" under the navigation bar
Click "Navigation Edit" toward the left middle
Click "Add page" near the bottom
Select your new page from the site map tree list, click OK
Scroll down, select your page, and use the up/down arrows to move it to the desired order
To Add Event to Calendar
The W7BI calendar of events (as displayed on the home page of is a Google calendar originally created by ‘’.
To add, edit, or delete items in this calendar requires a member account that has a login for the domain. As of March 2016, these admin members are: (Barry Hansen) (Rod Johnson) (John MacDuff) (Joe DeCuir) (Forwards emails to the officers)
So, to make calendar changes, contact one of the above people. Please use their regular personal e-mail address and not the accounts listed above, because they do not normally monitor these administrative mailboxes.
If you have trouble reaching one of these people, please send your email to
Editing Calendar
If you are one of the admin members (see list above), then here's how to edit the W7BI calendar of events.
Log in to Google Calendar ( using your account in the W7BI system, for example
Confirm you are using an authorized account
To begin creating a new calendar event, click "CREATE" and fill in details. Be sure to use "Calendar IARC".
Click "SAVE".
Editing a Countdown in the Sidebar
The W7BI website displays a gadget that shows the number of days until the next club meeting. Someone needs to update the gadget's target date each month, or else the gadget will show "days since last meeting." Here are instructions how to edit the target date.
Log in with a site administrator's user account:
The current administrators are Barry ( and John (
To log in, scroll to the bottom of the web page and look for "Sign in" link.
Navigate to the "Edit Site Layout" screen:
Click the gear icon in the upper right.
This will display a dropdown menu, as shown below. If you have Owner (not just Editor) permissions, then you can click "Edit site layout."
Edit the Sidebar item:
Click on the sidebar item to open its configuration options.
Now you can configure the desired countdown date.
Click "Close" in the upper right corner to save your changes.
The count-down timer has now been updated. Note: You might need to close the browser and open a new one, since the display is not very reliable at updating itself for public visitors.