
Adopted: 11/8/78 and amended: 1/6/83, 1/5/84, 2/7/85 and 2/5/92 ARTICLE I - Purpose

The Issaquah Amateur Radio Club, herinafter referred to as IARC, is organized for the purpose of encouraging all aspects of Amateur Radio operation, including public service and radio experimentation for scientific improvement of the art.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Membership in the IARC shall be open to any person, regardless of age, sex, race or religion, who is interested in any aspect of Amateur Radio. There shall be two types of members: "Regular" membership will be allowed for those applicants holding a valid Amateur Radio license issued or recognized by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission; and "Associate" membership will be allowed for those applicants who do not hold such an Amateur Radio License.

Associate members will be converted to Regular membership upon obtaining a valid Amateur Radio license. A Citizen Band or Commercial Radiotelephone/Radiotelegraph license shall not be considered a substitute for an Amateur Radio License.

ARTICLE III - Voting Requirements

All members shall be eligible to cast one vote each on regular IARC business matters, exclusive of amending the by-laws as covered in Article VII hereinafter.

Regular IARC business matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of all members present, if they constitute a quorum. A quorum shall consist of 30 percent of the current members in good standing.

In matters involving the amendment of any IARC by-law, only Regular members shall be eligible to cast one vote each.

ARTICLE IV - Officers

Officers of the IARC shall be Regular members in good standing, and shall consist of the following: President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. In addition, the President may appoint committee chairpersons as deemed necessary.

The duties of the President shall include serving as chief executive officer of the IARC, presiding over meetings and any other function in keeping with the intent of the office.

The duties of the Vice President shall be to replace the President during any absence, exercising all the authority vested in that office. In addition, the Vice President shall assist the President in any areas requested. Should the President leave office before the expiration of the term of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of President for the balance of the unexpired term.

The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to record minutes of the business meetings, answer correspondence at the direction of the President, collect membership fees, make expenditures of funds as approved by the membership, and attend to similar administrative dutues as necessary.

All officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present at the last meeting of the year, providing they constitute a quorum.

The term of office for all officers of the IARC shall be one year, commencing January first of each year.

ARTICLE V - Membership Fees

Membership fees shall be kept at a minimal level, consistent with the normal operating expenses of the IARC. There shall be no initiation fees for Charter Members. Charter Members are defined as those in good standing in the IARC on December 31, 1978.

Annual dues shall be collected from all members at the rate of $15 per year. Family members residing in the same household as a paid member shall also be entitied to membership without payment of additional dues when only one copy of the newsletter is sent to that household. Provisions of Article II - Membership shall be applied in determining the type of membership accorded to individual family members. Those persons joining the IARC in the months of January, February or March shall pay full annual dues for the current year. Thereafter, annual dues shall be pro-rated as follows: those joining in April, May or June shall pay 1/2 (one-half) the annual dues amount; those joining in July, August or September shall pay 1/4 (one-fourth) the annual dues amount; and those joining in October, November or December shall pay the full annual dues for the current year and receive full credit for the following year as well.

Dues are payable on or before January 1 of each year and become delinquent on March 1 of each year. Members in delinquent status shall not receive mailings from the organization, and shall not be considered members in good standing for the purpose of voting or holding office. A delinquent member may become a member in good standing by paying delinquent dues.

ARTICLE VI - Meeting Location and Frequency

The IARC shall meet within the City Limits of the City of Issaquah, Washington, at a location and facility convenient to the majority of the members. There will be a minimum of one meeting per month at a time and place agreed upon by the membership.

ARTICLE VII - Amendments to the By-Laws

Any by-law may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Regular members in good standing in attendance at any regular meeting, providing a quorum is present; and, provided that 20 days notice of the intent to amend the by-laws has been mailed to all members in good standing. As stated in Article III above,

Associate members may not vote to amend the by-laws. Upon receipt of a proposal to amend the by-laws, the Secretary-Treasurer shall be directed to draft a notice of the changes proposed, specifying the article and portion affected, and mail that notice to all members in good standing at least 20 days in advance of the anticipated meeting at which the vote will be taken.

ARTICLE VIII - Other procedures

Any dispute not covered in the aforementioned articles shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.

Note: This is the current text of the Issaquah Amateur Radio Club bylaws. For the complete text showing all additions and deletions, please see the annotated text version.