Field Day Results
Post date: Jul 19, 2011 5:11:53 PM
On June 25 and 26, the Issaquah ARC set up and operated a Field Day station at Sunny Hills elementary school. Point-wise, it’s interesting to note the digital station made twice as many points as the other voice stations combined! Even so, our total bonus points were greater than all our contact points put together. This is typical of most years, where it takes a huge number of on-the-air contacts to equal all the bonus points.
Soapbox: This was an effort by the Issaquah Amateur Radio Club (WA). We went in to have fun, hang out together, bring in visitors and try new things. Our digital station was a lot of fun on PSK, and our VHF station enjoyed a really good 6m band opening. It’s not often you work Florida from Washington state on 6m! Big thanks go to all our club members who pitched in to help setup, provide food and equipment, and then tear down and clean up.