Field Day 2012 Plans
Post date: Jun 14, 2012 3:7:6 PM
Saturday - Sunday, June 23rd - 24th, 2012
8 am Begin setup
11 am Begin operating Saturday
2 pm End operating Sunday
Class 2A:
HF station #1: TS-850, vee beam
HF station #2: TS-850, inverted vee
VHF station: FT-897, 6m and 2m beams
Digital: (not this year)
GOTA: (not this year)
Food (meals provided)
No alcohol on school grounds
Bring your own chairs
All battery powered stations
Power mains for fridge, lights, other
Club meeting at 7:15 pm Saturday, all invited
Everyone welcome to operate or hang around
Everyone help set up and tear down
Everyone to recruit visitors, youth U19
Location Map of Sunny Hills:
Barn Layout Map of Sunny Hills:
Bonus Points Plan:
100% emergency power (100 pts per xmtr)
Media publicity (100 pts) Resp: John KA7TTY
Public location (100 pts) Resp: (done)
Public information table (100 pts) Resp: John
Message to Section Manager (100 pts) Resp: John
Message handling (100 pts) Resp: John
Satellite QSO (100 pts) Resp:
Alternate power, non mains, non generator (100 pts)
W1AW bulletin (100 pts) Resp: John
Educational activity (100 pts) Resp:
Site visitation by elected official (100 pts) Resp: Bruce
Site visitation by served agency (100 pts) Resp: Bruce
GOTA station (10 – 500 pts) (not this year)
Web entry (50 pts) Resp: Barry
Youth participation U19 (20 – 100 pts) Resp: Everyone to recruit youth