Things You Can Do

22 Things You Can Do With Amateur Radio

Technology That's As Cool As You Want To Make It

(This flyer is reprinted by permission from the Amateur Radio Relay League)

Expand your world:

    1. Talk around the world without the Internet or cell phones. Use your own "Internet" when the "other one" is down.

    2. Send your voice, text and pictures to unusual places, both near and far.

    3. Create your own network of ham radio friends and send instant text messages without cell phones.

    4. Meet awesome people from all over the U.S. and around the world, on-the-air and in person at ham radio events.

Explore amateur radio:

    1. Talk through satellites or with astronauts on board the International Space Station.

    2. Send message in code -- learn Morse code.

    3. Be a signal sleuth, "Fox" hunt for hidden radio signals, and with GPS -- GeoFox!

    4. Investigate the many new combined radio-Internet communication techniques.

    5. Try a new sport -- Radiosport: Compete on-the-air for awards and fun!

    6. Send a message around the world using less electricity than a nightlight.

Put radio to work:

    1. Become a weather spotter and help your community prepare for weather events.

    2. Use Amateur Radio to control models, robots, or even drones.

    3. Support recovery efforts in emergencies.

    4. Earn badges and patches through Scouting programs and participate in worldwide radio events.

    5. Use your radio for community service! Provide communications for a bike race or a marathon.

    6. Track your friends, pets, or wildlife using your ham radio.

    7. Take ham radio along when you go hiking or camping. You'll never be out of contact with ham radio!

    8. Collect weather and flight data by releasing and tracking a high-altitude balloon.

    9. Learn how radio is used to explore space.

Go beyond the menu and create technology:

    1. Do it yourself, build and test your own gear.

    2. Experiment with new software applications for radio, or create your own.

    3. Learn the radio science that powers cell phones, Bluetooth and all of the hottest wireless technologies.

Find out what other young hams are up to at:

There are over 700,000 Amateur Radio (otherwise known as "ham") operators in the United States and 3 million worldwide. To get your Amateur Radio License you'll need to take a 35-question, multiple choice exam. Anyone -- of any age -- can be on-the-air as an Amateur Radio operator!

Adventure is waiting ...

ARRL Amateur Radio

225 Main Street

Newington, CT USA 06111

(860) 594-0200